Your Business or Nonprofit

Gallatin County’s high growth population and economy have created a rich environment for Montana businesses to thrive. 

Our experienced attorneys provide entrepreneurial clients with all-encompassing legal care, regardless of where you find yourself in your company’s life cycle. As a growing business ourselves, we understand the value of the money and sweat equity you invest—and we take great pride in supporting you at critical junctures so that you can prosper now, and in the future.

Ask us about tailoring our services to your needs through our flexible Limited Scope offerings.

We can assist you in the following areas: 


    Starting a business is exciting – but it can also be quite precarious. That’s why it’s essential that you have experienced counsel to help you select entity structure, perform legal research, file documents as a Registered Agent, and review and draft contracts.


    Purchasing or selling a business involves risk that requires due diligence for a confident decision. We draft agreements and review business financials, current contracts, and debts and liabilities to ensure total transparency and smooth transactions.


    As your successful business grows, so does its complexity. We guide you through the establishment of employee handbooks and policies, hiring and termination procedures, formalization of hand-shake deals, digital privacy and data security, and business succession planning, among other on-going legal questions that may arise.

  • Specialized legal care

    In a few cases, your needs may require a specialist, who provides legal services on highly technical issues such as patents or tax law. We maintain trusted relationships with boutique firms specializing in these areas, and will ensure seamless representation.

  • Service industry

    Our attorneys save restauranteurs thousands of dollars through skillful navigation of service industry law, including applications for or purchase/sale of liquor, beer, and wine licenses, commercial real estate transactions, city code compliance, and interactions with MT departments of Health and Justice.


    Contracts and negotiations are part of doing business. In addition to drafting and reviewing contracts, we support your negotiations with strategy sessions to identify your goals and interests, and those of the other party, analyze potential outcomes, and navigate conflict through clear and effective resolution.

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